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PJ DAmico

UJI Co-Founder

Pj’s life as an activist began in 1986 when he joined thousands of marchers alongside the Rev. Hosea Williams to disrupt the reign of terror by White Supremacists in Forsyth County Georgia his home state. For over 30 years PJ has dedicated his career to social change across intersecting issues of oppression. Pj served as the first Director of RedLine Denver where he helped transform a mainstream Art Center into a catalyst for critical social change through contemporary arts. PJ has served as an adjunct at the University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State University of Denver and Regis University facilitating courses in social justice, community organizing and leadership. PJ has had the privilege of working in East Africa where he has witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of global capitalism and continued colonialism. He is working on a project in Nairobi Kenya to secure livable wages and personal sovereignty for women artisans. Over the past decade PJ has stood, slept and was often arrested as an act of solidarity with our houseless neighbors to amplify the terror and neglect they face every single day. Pj intentionally uses his white privilege to center the voices of the unhoused and all who are systematically disenfranchised by white supremacy. A student of the Civil Rights movement and a champion of the late Congressman John Lewis and Dr. Vincent Harding, PJ is presently working on a project to capture oral histories of the foot-soldier who put their lives on the line so that every American would have the right to vote. To stay sane, PJ can be found on the South Part River casting a flyrod with a hope that a fish will rise. He is the father of two beautiful children, Grace and Francesca who take classes on social justice at Manual McAuliffe Middle School and are activists in their own way, a bit different from their dad.

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